This week, we point our staff spotlight to APAC Regional Director Tim Hadsel-Mares. Tim works on business development and sales, with the added role of developing channel and technology partnerships regarding Scantrusts’ smart packaging solution. “I spend my time working with clients to find the right solution for their particular brand, market, and business challenges. This can happen directly or through different channels, such as printers, packaging converters, and other IoT service providers that work in tandem with us,” explains Tim.
Originally from Burlington, Vermont, Tim launched Scantrust’s southeast Asia regional presence in 2016 based in Bangkok and Scantrust’s Singapore office. Before joining the team, Tim worked in a similar business development role in the power conductor industry. He engaged distributors in Asia and Africa who would buy the product and distribute it to end customers, engage in customer educational sales, and introduce a niche product to the industry.
Tim attributes his career growth to Scantrust expanding its consumer-facing and traceability smart packaging offering. In southeast Asia, many companies want to better understand their supply chain and customers and those interested in securing their brand.
“I think moving from a sales process with a physical product into a service-based solution was a significant change for me. In particular, I am learning how our software is constantly evolving and improving over time. It was helpful to work in the manufacturing, shipment, and after-sales service of a physical product before joining Scantrust to better understand our client’s pain points.
Tim hopes that the smart packaging industry will align with the ongoing data privacy concerns and regulations so that brands and consumers will feel comfortable using and interacting with related packs. He hopes that the legal and business benefits can “play nicely together” in the future. Tim also hopes that similar but different technologies will complement each other, like AI, VR, or NFC. The end goals are identical, just executed slightly differently.
In Tim’s spare time, he enjoys driving a 6-speed manual on a windy road, running, biking, tennis, and whatever can be done outdoors.
When asked how he’d describe Scantrust in three words, Tim says, “hardworking, agile, and dependable.” Thanks, Tim.